1.I will try and provide more useful content for the readers, but you guys have got to help me out a little as well, and send me stuff you want to read about so I can get an idea if Im on the right track.
2. I will not be blogging as frequently due to starting at a new company and ha ving to work insane hours, thus my blogging alloted slots are somewhat limited. This shall mean few more infrequent posts, but hopefully ones of good quality rather than ones of rubbish quality.
3. Finally, I'm all for SEO and getting higher ranking in the search engines. This used to be my last job, so I know a bit about it. However, frankly time is a big factor, and I just dont have any of it these days even this early on. So if you want to help me out by linking to useful content on my post please do, and slip in a relevant keyword or two I'd be very grateful. Email me if you choose to do this, and Ill do something in return for you.
So here's to a great year ahead, and hope it's all you wish for and more!

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